Being active outside in the fresh air

Being active outside in the fresh air

Physical activity is extremely important for all ages. And while adults can understand and be convinced by the health benefits, it's not quite so simple with children. Luckily, youngsters have huge amounts of energy right from the beginning, love to discover the world and are active in their own way. The parent's role is to maintain these activity levels so that in the future, it becomes second nature. How can you do this? Through play, of course!

It's no secret that currently everyone is talking about outdoor activity as the best type of exercise. And about the fact that you should take kids on walks as often as possible, because it's hugely beneficial not only for their muscles, but also immunity.

This is, of course, very true; however, before you decide to go for a walk – especially in the autumn and winter months – check the air quality in your area. Remember that walking or playing outdoors when the air quality is poor is not a good idea. In such cases, it's better to stay home.
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